Tuesday, May 27, 2008

He seems surprisingly taller

I would like all of you to know that today Back Seat Boy WALKED into the living room. Back Seat Girl and I were in there picking up toys, and all of a sudden BSB walked in with a proud look on his face like "check me out, ladiez!". To my credit, I didn't completely freak out, but I wanted to.

He has been using those little legs more and more lately, but these last two days, and especially today, he's been walking much, much more. That's not to say I'm about to put him down at Target and see what he can do, but I am relieved he's decided it's not a bad way to get around, this 'walking' thing. He's still one hell of a crawler, though. Man, he should teach lessons.

Also, we were at Bruegger's eating breakfast this morning and there was a man at the table next to us in business attire enjoying a bagel and coffee, when BSG points at him and loudly exclaims "That guy looks like Icabod!".

And then I died. The End.


Anonymous said...

MAM Says:
Way to go kids!!!! keep up the good work with the walking and words!!!

gramma said...

I hope BSB gives us a sample early Friday morning. BSG reminds me of another little girl I used to know. I remember being embarrassed in a restaurant when my kids were both in high school. Seems some kids never grow out of it.