Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break 2013, Day 2

It was eight, I repeat, eight freakin' degrees when we woke up this morning. March is seriously the worst month. People say "Oh, January is so cold, waa, waa!". January is supposed to be cold! March has no excuses except that I think March actually enjoys being an a#*. Last year at this time we were in Florida for the kids' spring break. I am trying not to think about that too much.

So, anyway, today actually went by pretty quickly, considering the bleak beginning. (8! I still can't believe it.) I slept in until 7 and then went downstairs to work out, and the kids didn't wake up until right as I was finishing up, so that was awesome. By the time I'd showered and everyone was ready to go out for breakfast we had wasted half the morning already.

We went out for breakfast at a place I routinely took Oliver last year in-between dropping Ali off at school by 8 and needing to have Oliver at preschool by 9. We had a great time. Plus, the food there is excellent, AND they always put pretty designs on the foam of your latte, and I'm a pretty big sucker for that. We lingered over breakfast and I was all aglow with how awesome my kids are and how much I enjoy their company. Then we drove home and walked in the door and one of them asked "What are we going to do now?"

I calmly explained to them that we have three more days of spring break left, not to mention an entire summer, and I have not, nor do I intend to, plan every minute of every day out for them. This is where it gets weird. They both agreed with me, and proceeded to play a game with their stuffed animals until lunch. A smart person would have taken advantage of this time by cleaning the kitchen, something I had fully intended to do today. Since I'm not a smart person I thought it would be a better use of my time to get sucked down the rabbit hole of old posts on this blog ("oh, look at how cute they are!" "my kids say the darndest things!" *sob*" they were so little !"), after which I finally decided to go through the papers on the table only to completely freak out that I didn't know where the envelope containing the tickets for Ali's ice show was and immediately drew the conclusion that I had accidentally thrown it out. Then, as if to prove to myself I'm not a smart person, I proceeded to go through all of the recycling and garbage, piece by piece, from the past week. I came in from outside totally defeated (plus my hands were freezing), before a tiny, dim lightbulb came on in my head and I remembered I'd taken all non-essential items out of my purse before leaving for the airport on Friday. I threw everything in my nightstand, and sure enough, there was the stupid envelope. And that, my friends, is how you waste valuable time. You're welcome.

The rest of the afternoon was spent running an errand and sledding. The kids had a great time and I tried hard not to think about how it was March 19th and the snow wasn't even trying to melt. Before I knew it we were at ice show practice. Then it was home for dinner, a movie, stories, and bed time.

So, if you look back at my day, you quickly realize that the children are not my problem. I am my biggest problem. That's.....well, that's just depressing.


asad said...
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Unknown said...

Most of us ran out intended for dinner for a area When i normally had taken Oliver not too long ago in-between giving up Ali down on classes by means of 8 in addition to wanting to include Oliver on preschool by means of 9. We a good time. Furthermore, their food there may be fantastic, And in addition they generally fit rather types within the space-age foam of this latte, in addition to Now i am a reasonably massive sucker for the. Most of us lingered in excess of dinner in addition to When i seemed to be many aglow having the way brilliant the young children usually are in addition to the amount of I love to the corporation. Subsequently most of us had property in addition to stepped from the home in addition to at least one enquirer "What usually are most of us about to complete at this point? inch.!!! Hot new girl

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تمتلك عمالة مدربة على مستوى عالي من الجودة ولديهم خبرة تتعدي الخمس سنوات في مجال التنظيف، فالمرأة تكتشف البقع من بقايا المشروبات والطعام فلابد على أي مرأة أكتشافها لهذه البقع أن تقوم بالأتصال على الفور على

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كما أن

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